IRG49 Conference: due premi alla ricerca sul legno

Intervista a Marta Petrillo

International Research Group on Wood Protection (IRG-WP) is the leading global organization for the dissemination of scientific information on wood protection products. The IRG49 Scientific Conference was scheduled from April 29th to May 3rd, 2018 in Johannesburg (South Africa).

The BIO4ever team member Marta Petrillo received Ron Cockcroft Award (RCA) to participate in the IRG49 conference. The RCA is a merit-based programme to promote international awareness of developments in research in wood protection, by providing assistance towards travel and accommodation costs to selected persons enabling them to participate in IRG conferences.

Additionally, her oral presentation, being an output if the STSM funded by COST FP1407 “Long service life or cascading? The environmental impact of maintenance of wood-based materials for building envelope and their recycling options” by M Petrillo, J Sandak, P Grossi, A Kutnar, A Sandak, was appreciated by the IRG committee and she received Gareth Williams Award for best innovation presentation presented by young researchers and students

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Alla ricerca del legno perduto

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Il FEP Award 2018 a Stefano Berti